Changing Things for the Better Can Start With You

You’re most certainly aware that the world is in need of change, from global issues right down to your own local community. We face many challenges, such as climate change danger, poverty, crime, and social injustices. Fortunately, we live in a time when there are lots of opportunities to take action. That’s why we’ve assembled some ideas and resources to help you get involved in your community and take action for the cause you believe in.

Helping the People Who Can Bring Change

It’s an old saying that all politics is local, and nothing could be more true. If there’s a candidate who stands for the issues that are important to you, then getting involved in their campaign will be met enthusiastically by them. Campaign volunteers free up a lot of the candidate’s time so that they can focus on what they need to do in order to win the election. Be vocal about your support and share it on social media. You could also help in other ways, like canvassing, driving voters to the polls, or making phone calls. If you have any skills such as graphic design or writing, and especially if you have tech skills, be sure and mention that since that can help them save a lot of money.

Wildlife Refuges and Animal Shelters

Volunteering at your local animal shelter or wildlife rehabilitation center can give you a new perspective on the world and provide you with an opportunity to help animals in need. You may find that volunteering is not only rewarding but also educational. According to Dog Time, shelters need volunteers to clean cages, fill water or food bowls, provide company to the animals, walk the dogs, play with the cats, do training and socialization, and more. Volunteers at a wildlife rehabilitation center learn how to care for injured animals until they are healthy enough to be released back into their natural habitat.

Environmental Causes

Volunteers are the backbone of any environmental cause. The work they do is invaluable and not just in terms of time. They are also a source of inspiration, motivation, and knowledge. You can host a clean-up, organize a community garden, or lobby for the protection of a wetland or animal habitat in your community.

Or you can organize a group to visit local lawmakers and business owners to make changes in how the city or their businesses operate to be more green, like recycling, using solar panels, using less paper and going digital, changing to all LED lights including street lamps and so much more.

Even Small Things Count

Whether it’s setting up free little libraries around town, gathering groups of musicians to provide instrument instruction at schools in impoverished neighborhoods, or getting local bakers to prepare and donate meals to homeless shelters or shut-in elderly, it’s all important and necessary. And those small things are not small to the people they benefit.

Creating Your Own Nonprofit

Non-profit organizations are a vital part of our society. They help provide much-needed services as well as advocate for important causes. In order to create your own non-profit organization, it is important to understand the different types of nonprofits that exist. Nonprofits can be classified into two categories: public charities and private foundations. Public charities are organizations that have been granted 501(c)3 by the IRS. Private foundations are organizations that have been granted 501(c)3 status by the IRS and also include other requirements, such as having a minimum endowment of $250,000 or more.

Volunteering is a great way to help people in need and make yourself feel good at the same time. It’s also a great way to test out your skills and see if you have what it takes to work professionally in the field of volunteering. There are as many ways to volunteer as there are needs in your community. Find what really matters to you, then put together a plan to make it happen. And for a really big change, start your own nonprofit that can become a lasting legacy. It all starts with that first step.

Image by Pexels